So much to say without saying so much. -me
It doesn’t surprise me that my favorite books are historical fiction. I tend to learn lightly, meaning give me the facts with a little bit of cream and sugar. Cream is the thick details in the setting and the sugar is the fun anecdotes in the daily lives of the characters. This type of reading makes me want to read more; I keep my writings alive with quotes from the meaningful parts of books or movies. Ok. As I write this, I have to modify something. Delete cream and sugar. Replace with friends and wine.
The best way to summarize a reading is to gather with friends and wine. My favorite way is over a fire pit any time of the year. Yep. Even here in southern California, our summer nights are chilly. It is the warmest feeling gathering in a circle sharing. Depending on how much wine, we do sing but only the first three words of ‘Kum Ba Yah’ because we can’t remember the rest. You don’t have to join us but if you did, you wouldn’t want to leave.
Friends are the characters that make for great content in our lives. And wine is the joy. Wait, please let’s use are as there is never enough wine. (Are is plural-get it.) I can think of all my English teachers cringing but my friends are happy!
Interestingly, I don’t use cream and sugar in my coffee, depending on the tea, I might taint it. Wink. Remind me to tell you about another type of tea one day. My girlfriend makes a mean tea. And though I do not like my coffee tainted, I do love this message. “Said the cream to the sugar, ‘Won’t you be my friend?’ Said the sugar to the cream, ‘Right to the very end.’ And they talked and laughed and talked and laughed again and again.” Hallmark, of course.
Quotes or sayings are a part of my life as they give meaning to my simple vocabulary. I enjoy e-books that have a dictionary for when I come across esoteric words. ‘Made ya look.’ (My kids like to be the first to say where the quote comes from.) While I read books on-line, I prefer books in paper back to take in the full effect of casually reading…with a drink in my hand. Smiley Face. This atmosphere includes a quiet comfortable lounge chair and has been the saving grace of this pandemic. E-books can happen on days with less than three Zoom meetings. I’m juz sayin’. Share your favorite quotes with me. -The Evolving Mother