At this point you know I love quotes. It makes finding the ‘right word’ easier. I am not a voracious reader and consider myself to have an average vocabulary. Sometimes, we overthink what a word means. There is no need to impress someone although at times specificity helps clarify intent. Which leads me to my thought process for today’s blog. What does it mean to have purpose?
I’ve been an advocate for many people, a mother of two wonderful children, a supportive spouse, and spiritual being. Yet, I find myself in search of what my purpose is. Is this my dream come true? Yes partially. Well, then, why don’t I feel fulfilled. What is it that keeps many of us from living our dream? Fear, yes, this is a big one. Not having a dream. Is this perhaps not believing you are entitled to a dream? Surely you do. Have you ever said, ‘if I were rich I would love to have (fill in the word)’.
Thinking about which path to take on a journey that is over fifty years traveled, I am challenging myself to take the, wait for it, the road less traveled. LOL. After all, who really wants to travel a road where you know your heart rate is going to increase. That is what an adventurous path is all about.
Still being healthy, I know I will make it up that daunting hill, especially if I know there is a reward at the end. We don’t doubt rewards are acceptable and healthy. Then what is it that keeps me from being fulfilled. Success without fulfilment is futile. We have to determine what success looks like for us. THIS is what makes that hill daunting. When we determine what the expectations are for our lives, we will then feel like traveling the journey up the hill.
Now to take an honest look at my DNA and know that I am wonderfully and beautifully made. Just like you. My purpose is not only to unleash my inner writer but also encourage others to step out in faith and be the person they were created to be. My journal shows me this and the courage to run for public office proved it. I can surely attempt starting a business.
Encourage others to evolve with purpose. Please share this so others can SUBSCRIBE and evolve with us!
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