Are we talking chocolate or attitude?
I prefer bitter chocolate and a sweet attitude.

You might say, "How can you be sweet if you eat bitter chocolate?"
I am a VERY caring person that loves to help others. For over 30 years, I have been a community advocate. So being the loving caring person that I am, I started a non-profit that empowers others. The R.I.S.E. Concept.
The work is very rewarding and very consuming. I have noticed some bitter interactions lately in the organization which causes me to read and reflect.
I’m reading The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown which gave me the idea for this blog. She used the words bitter and sweet to describe personalities and was explaining how a boss was frustrated about employee performance.
Brown learned after further conversation the boss had not given clear instructions but expected a good outcome.
How many of us can truly relate? We yell at our kids for not cleaning their room but did we give them clear directions on what we want a clear room to look like.
Brown used bitter and sweet to describe how people perform. People respond sweetly on the outside however are bitter on the inside. When we are bitter it is usually because we are exhausted and do not clearly communicate.
It takes time to have conversations. It takes courage to explain expectations. The benefit is the trust that is built from the compassion that is shown.
I vow to work on realistic expectations along with explanations for a sweet outcome at my organization.
Now, while my preference for chocolate is bitter, I prefer NOT to have an attitude that is bitter. And, I vow to eat more bittersweet cookies to help me focus. So if you are in the area, please drop off some chocolate chip cookies at the shop to keep me at my word. ;)
-The Ever Evolving Mother
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